Optical Arts Inc.

  • Eye Care
2934 W. Central Ave.
Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 535-7837
  • About

    In 1962, Mary's father, Lester Diefienthaler, founded Optical Arts in Toledo Ohio. 60 years later, the name has never been as ideal as it is today. The unique approach to eye wear that Mary and the staff of Optical Arts takes is truly an art.

    People come from all over the U.S. to have Mary and staff help them look better with individually styled frames and see better with only the highest quality lenses.

    Optical Arts has created a reputation as a problem solver, creating individualized eye wear for difficult prescriptions. This has long been a passion of Mary's, and Optical Arts continues to uphold her high standard of innovation and quality.

    Mary and her staff go further than just frames and lenses by creating eye wear that also enhances the cosmetic appearance of each client. At Optical Arts, you will leave with both a perfectly chosen fashion accessory and your best vision possible.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Valerie Lambert
      Optical Manager & Licensed Optician
      3706 Wyckliffe Parkway
      Toledo , OH 43613
      Phone: (419) 535-7837
    • Mary Nyitray
      2934 W. Central Ave.
      Toledo, OH 43606
      Phone: (419) 535-7837

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