EOS Worldwide

  • Business Coaching
  • Business Consultant
498 S River Rd
Waterville, OH 43566
(419) 367-5486
  • About

    I help entrepreneurs and their leadership teams clarify, simplify and achieve their vision while building a strong and healthy organization. I am an EOS Implementer (Entrepreneurial Operating System). EOS is a simple, complete, business management system that empowers leadership teams to run successful.

    EOS helps companies get better at three things – VISION, TRACTION and HEALTHY. At the end of our journey together, everyone is on the same page with where the company is going and how it is going to get there. Company leaders are working together as a healthy, functional, cohesive team and everyone in the organization makes progress each day toward achieving the vision.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Todd Frendt
      Professional EOS Implementer
      498 S River Rd
      Waterville, OH 43566
      Phone: (419) 367-5486
      Cell Phone: (419) 367-5486

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